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Flow into Stillness

  • Move Fitness & Yoga 23 Johnston Way Unit A Bluffton, SC, 29910 United States (map)

Join Stasia for a special 75 minute class on Christmas Eve, beginning with a warm flow to get you energized and get your body moving, ending with some Yin poses to help you wind down and relax before Savasana. The perfect way to move your body right before the holiday!

Use membership pass, class pack, or $22 drop in.

Stasia Comiskey

Stasia is a recent implant to Bluffton! She and her family moved South for warmer weather, surf, and sunshine! She has been teaching yoga in St. Louis since 2010 and has led weekly yoga classes for 14 years. In 2017, she began leading bi-annual Yoga Teacher trainings. She enjoys working with students 1:1 in a private lesson to guide her students to not only find depth, but also to level up to who they can be! Stasia leads workshops and enjoys participating in wellness events in the community. Stasia designs her classes for all levels of athleticism, flexibility and expertise. Her intention is to meet her students where they are, finding inclusiveness and to empower more self-acceptance. A common mantra in Stasia's class is "Just do your best"! or "You are enough"!Her overall goal with her yoga teaching is to shine the "Light of Yoga" in ever-increasing circles. She teaches from her heart and inspires her students to find their most authentic self while building patience and equanimity.

December 17

Inside Flow

January 18

Ashtanga Primary Series